Pondy's Getting Old!!

Luv you Pondy! XOXO

My childhood friend, Alex (pink stripes) is so concerned about his 'excess baggage' recently. Very determined to go on a diet now...good for you buddy! Bajeng (in light blue), our Youth Org Chairman, have never given a 'normal' face when it comes to photo-taking..but he never fails to entertain us either. So..there you go..our very own Kung Fu Panda & Shrek of Borneo! Hahaha!

Malcolm (in white), who is one of our youth from church, is our very own Chicken Little! Cute and chubby cheek..ain't he? We also call him Tambi...it's a looong story. Hehehe! And Daniel, also another youth from church, is also known as Milo...also a very looong story. These 2 are almost inseperable but Daniel's the most mischeavous...hehehe.

This is me and my wonderful hubby. I am humbled by all the providence and blessings that God has showered upon us all these years, through thick and thin, through tears and laughter. I cannot tell you what we went through and how...but I can tell you this...God is ALWAYS with each and everyone of us, looking after us and guiding us in lots of ways that mostly we do not understand. He just wants us to be patient and seek Him first before anything else. I am reminding myself as I write this because I too can be very impatient at most time...ask Alvin...he's suffered a lot I tell you. But that only made me love him more ;). Thank you Darling for your love and support and God bless you! Muah!
These two are sisters. Elsa Yok (in black) is the eldest, and Hazel or Jill as we would call her, is the youngest. The second sister, Karen or Yen, is having a time of her life in Perth, Australia pursuing her study. Elsa has just been back in Miri a couple of months ago after she finished her studies in Perth as well. She was there for about 7 years. This is the first time she and Jill joined us for such gathering and I am glad they did. They're both equally funny and nice to be with ;)
These two can create havoc when they're together. Daniel would come up with his clown acts, and Evonne would voluntarily provide her double-speaker-projected laughter to back it all up!! There you have it........a complete version of Jompot, the mentally disturbed prostitute who died about ten years ago in Kuching! Hahahahahaha!
Trying to imitate those pretty maiden from China during the Emperor years. Well, in my opinion dear...not with those 'excess baggage' my friend. Better luck next time! haha!

Photo 2. There's Victoria (in white) sitting in between me and Elsa. Some of us were not in proper manners anymore...must be the coke intake!
Photo 3. Now I am in the same state as those loonies you see in this pic. Seriously, it wasn't me...it was the Coke! OMG! check out my hubby's face! Hahahaha!

Pressie for Pondy. Alex lending a hand...and I do not know what the *kunying* Bajeng is doing! Excuse my language but "kunying" is the word that Evonne and I would use to replace all vulgar words...hehehe.
The bag was Maggie's idea...it's a shame she couldn't join us for the dinner. You can see how delightful Pondy was when she received it...Alex was speechless!
There's nothing else inside there Pondy...that's all we could afford right now. Bluek! Haha!

This is a strong proof to show you how they always bully me by pretending that they're listening or pondering deeply over what I was talking about! Hahaha!
Another proof!
New partner in crime! Elsa...the new apprentice...Hehehe!

The housemates ;)!
Proud looking Alex and the ladies.
Group photo outside Pizza Hut.
One more for the camera, please people!
Foursome : Pondy, me, Alex, and his belly! Hahaha! Joking bro.......teeehehe!
Still lingering in Parkson's lobby even after the shops are closed. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!