Easter 2009
We had a grand celebration at church last Easter. Every one was in a joyful mood:p. We practised for the praise and worship session 2 weeks prior. I love the songs 'Celebrate Jesus Celebrate' & 'Allah Bangkit (God is Risen)'; until now, they are still playing in my mind..hehe..what beautiful and perfect songs to commemorate the history of our risen King of Kings. Alleluyah!
Below are some photos taken using Josephine's camera. We purposely took some pictures in the Parish Hall and in front of the Vicarage as a remembrance before they take down both building (1st Phase of New Church Building Project) sometime next week.
So, enjoy:p

1st Pic: Photo session after the Womens' Fellowship's coronation (is that the right word for it?...lupa laa)
Below are some photos taken using Josephine's camera. We purposely took some pictures in the Parish Hall and in front of the Vicarage as a remembrance before they take down both building (1st Phase of New Church Building Project) sometime next week.
So, enjoy:p
1st Pic: Congregation standing up as the priests comes out of the vastry.
2nd Pic: Maggie..backside view..hehehe.
2nd Pic: Maggie..backside view..hehehe.
1st Pic: Photo session after the Womens' Fellowship's coronation (is that the right word for it?...lupa laa)
2nd Pic: (Left to Right) Evonne, Magdelene, Josephine, Me;p
1st Pic: Me hubby and pondering Siradick.
2nd Pic: AYC Band with Fr. Solomon Cheong and Archdeacons
1st Pic: Rocking on with Un. Augustine (Jo's dad). He's totally cool! Haha!
2nd Pic: Me hubby and church-mate, Timothy
Pic 1 & 2: Group acts in the Parish Hall
2nd Pic: Petra boys! (Left to Right: Alvin Adam, Bajeng, me hubby)
1st Pic: Another act in the Parish Hall
2nd Pic: Taken in front of the Vicarage. You have no idea how freakin' hot it was at the moment! We were basically drenched in sweat! Aargh!
2nd Pic: Frankie (Jo's boyfriend) stealing a nap while waiting for us to finish our photo session. Teeehehe!
1st Pic: Silly Maggie in between the leaves
2nd Pic: Yup! She must have taken the morphine alright! So happy! Hahaha!