Suddenly It Seems So Slow...

I can't wait for my next baby check-up, which is on the 3rd of August. What a drag...urgh! I need to ask the doc a couple of things & the most importante question is whether it is still safe for me to fly back to Kuching in September for Ivy's farewell. I haven't even buy my air ticket yet...and they're already planning a bbq! Jeles engkau!! Takleh jadi nih! Chet!

Alvin, Giles and I went to church last night. Alvin bought some new drum parts to replace the old and the missing ones, so we had to bring the stuff to church to set them up. We met Evonne, Mag, Bajeng, Malcolm, etc. who were there to practise for the upcoming Youth Diocesan Sunday this weekend. Oo and the tambourine dancers were there too. After a while Jo and Frankie came as well. It was nice to see almost everyone there...brings back old memories of those busy church gigs and activities. I miss it actually. Well, we still have it now but things are slower nowadays and the group is smaller. Then again, better slow than not moving at all, right? Anyway, we left the church at around 11pm...stopped by at Banana Leaf for a can of drink each...yea they don't serve other drinks anymore...kedai dah nak tutup actually but we all bawak muka batu-bata mau duduk jugak. The chief mamak at the back dah meracau dah...segala bahasa Tamil + other dialect pun dah keluar. Eh takde lah...part chief mamak tu rekaan semata-mata...saja nak exagerate awal2 pagi. Teeehehehehe!

By the way, LLC have been updated again with our 2nd Weekly Challenge. Our theme for this week is White, Orange, and Brown. I've included my card below. This week's challenge is suggested by Evonne; she got the idea from a guy in town whom she saw wearing a stripy shirt with these 3 colours combination. Can you imagine someone in your office wearing it? Fyi, they were big stripes!! Unless you're in a fashion industry, it can sound logic...but in ordinary office? Come on dude...what were you thinking? But it's good to have these kind of people around though...they bring out new ideas! LOL!


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