March Madness!
There were so many happenings last March that I'm just gonna cramp everything here in one post. I won't talk more about them...need to save space for the photos. Here you March Madness (orang March Madness kat US tengok bola...kite punye kat sini tengok photos, okeh?)..hehe.
11th March, 2010 - Dinner with Alvin, Mum, and me Bros at Pujut 5. Waiting to feast with Fish Head Curry...yummyyy! Daddy wasn't there...went yam cha with his cousins.

14th March, 2010 - Alex's New "Wife"! Jaga elok2 bini tu Lex, weekend bawak lah jalan2 slalu, service jangan lupa, kang merajok plak nanti...

Tuan punya kreta baru nak baca manual...ada kah patut?
19th March, 2010 - 15 Years Service Award for Nick Kelly. Congrats Boss! We had lunch at the office later on, and then I went out to see the 'lunch group'. Mag joined us that day:p.

20th March, 2010 - Dinner @ Cafe Miri. Aunty Audrey belanja. Thanks Aunty:p! Buat lah selaluuu...hehehe!

30th & 31st April, 2010 - Marilyn's 40th Birthday! We celebrated it twice! Ada orang mau belanja mar..hehe. Had them at Lou Wai Lou Restaurant, and the next evening at Seaworld Restaurant. Macam mana mau diet nih?!
@ Lou Wai Lou Restaurant...

@ Seaworld Seafood Restaurant...

11th March, 2010 - Dinner with Alvin, Mum, and me Bros at Pujut 5. Waiting to feast with Fish Head Curry...yummyyy! Daddy wasn't there...went yam cha with his cousins.
14th March, 2010 - Alex's New "Wife"! Jaga elok2 bini tu Lex, weekend bawak lah jalan2 slalu, service jangan lupa, kang merajok plak nanti...
Tuan punya kreta baru nak baca manual...ada kah patut?
19th March, 2010 - 15 Years Service Award for Nick Kelly. Congrats Boss! We had lunch at the office later on, and then I went out to see the 'lunch group'. Mag joined us that day:p.
20th March, 2010 - Dinner @ Cafe Miri. Aunty Audrey belanja. Thanks Aunty:p! Buat lah selaluuu...hehehe!
30th & 31st April, 2010 - Marilyn's 40th Birthday! We celebrated it twice! Ada orang mau belanja mar..hehe. Had them at Lou Wai Lou Restaurant, and the next evening at Seaworld Restaurant. Macam mana mau diet nih?!
@ Lou Wai Lou Restaurant...
@ Seaworld Seafood Restaurant...