Another Chapter...
So I'm back again in blogworld. I paused for a moment when I needed to key-in the password to my Google Account...nearly forgotten what the password was! Haha!
First and foremost, my utmost thanks and praise to The Man above for blessing me (and all of us) with another new year to be of His service and to be His beloved child. And to have stronger faith and hope in His promises, mercy and grace. There's a little bit of anxiety, yet more excitement to see what 2011 brings for me and my little family.
2010 was quite a challenge for me, in some areas which I will not share here. But I will tell you that no matter how bad it was, God was there...He was really there...holding my hands, and loved me even more..through so many channels and ways that I couldn't even imagine. I pray He does the same to you because we are all His beloved.
Going backwards a little, our little man, Xavier, turned 1 year old last Dec 29th. We had a family dinner with few friends to celebrate at our house. My parents came over too, and I thank God so much because I really needed them to be there (Yippie! ;p). It was a very nice gathering. Of course, Mr. X received lots and lots of pressies. He was so busy with his new toys that he couldn't sleep well that night...over-excited I suppose. The next day he was so busy playing with his toys that he'd forgotten his routine of pulling the table runner of the shelf, spilling milk or leaving crackers crumbs on the floor, and pulling all the dirty laundry out of the basket! Haha!

Gearing up from there, Evonne and I have done our discussions on what's coming up for LLC this year. We've decided to take it on a slower pace despite having quite a lot to do. We don't want to rush ourselves this time around and see where the flow brings us. And I think we're more at peace with this decision than the ones before. But we are excited about one thing which we are going to announce in Feb! So wait up for it okay. Hehehehehe...
Overall, I think it's going to be a good year this year.
Anyway, my parents left Miri early last Sunday morning. I was so sad I didn't even want to look when their car drove away. Alvin, X, and I went to church shortly after and eventhough my mind was in prayer, praying for their safe journey and praying for a good and successful year ahead, but I can feel my heart sitting at the back seat of my dad's car following them back home to Kuching :'(. But that's life when you check into reality. Show must go on because I believe I have my purpose here...for now. I don't know much about the rest of it yet so I'm lifting it all up to The Man above for guidance.
So here goes another chapter...of life.