Project 365 - Week 3

Week 3 involves anticipation for the Chinese New Year celebration that were coming just around the corner.  I don't celebrate the occassion but I LOVE the long holiday.  This one was much needed because I wasn't feeling so well the past few days.  We had a steam boat family dinner at Alvin's parents' house on the eve of CNY.  Thereafter, we all (except for Alvin's dad, Malachi and Martin) gathered at our house with coffee and snacks while waiting for the clock to strike midnight when all the Chinese neighbors were going to fire lots of firecrackers and fireworks.  When it happened, Xavier was petrified by the sounds.

A few of my colleagues and I went out for a crab-feasting dinner a couple evenings before the weekend.  Alvin came home from his offshore trip too on the same evening so it was a double doze of happiness for me. *wide grin*

Xavier developed a loving for Barney character.  Sheryl shared some of her old videos with him one evening and he was hooked line and sinker with the purple dinasour.  I'm glad it's not the Teletubbies...they look creepy to me.  On a different occassion, he also had his first hands on experience with the real drum at church after one of Alvin's cousin's wedding ceremony.

So here's my Week 3:


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