Hi there :). What I'm happy about this week's pictures is that I found a perfect place to take a photo of it. No reflection...almost none actually, no sun glares, just a very dark brown background. Hehe. Somehow I still need to work out on the angle and the height of the camera.
Anyways, here's the spread for Week 17:
It's about gatherings...again. This time it's a birthday gathering. We combined 2 gatherings in one for the April babies. Haha! It was a nice and quiet lunch at Mr. Ho's Fine Food. The food was delicious but the company was great :). |
Little Xavier loves windcatchers. He loves the way they spin and catches wind on to his face. He also loves to dismantle the wheels from the plastic holder...and then later would cry bringing the separated parts to Mommy or Daddy, who will have to reassemble them again. |
This is an extra sleeve. It's actually a 12" X 12" sized sleeve where I cut 3 slots on the right out. This is to accomodate my journals. |
Love the butterfly cut out :) |
The reverse side of the sleeve. |
Some photos from the after-lunch. We thought of going for a karaoke session after lunch but the places we checked out are all full. But we still love each other's company none the less. Evonne ended up hanging out at my place that evening bringing goodies for us from Singapore, especially for Xavier. |
I love this shot of Xavier and his Aunty Diana so much. And this is the reason why I put my Week 17 title on the bottom of this photo. I love it because it's natural and candid.
Some photos from my trip back to Kuching for the Prayer gathering and dinner in remembering the 1st year after Mom's passing on. There was a mixture of feelings coming back home. I was happy yet sad at the same time. Happy to see friends and family again but sad to be coming home for a reason such as this. I had to keep reminding myself that no matter how much I want her to be here with me, she is in a better place now and able to look after me a lot better from up there. I know for sure that if she's still alive she would joke about it and said "..look at the bright side, the view is better for me from up there to see you...whereas if we're on the same land, I won't be able to see you at all..". I can hear her giggling up there now..aggreeing. I love you Mommy and I miss you dearly. |
My two angels :). One of the best things that I look forward to when coming back home, was to meet and hug these two beautiful beings.
Coming back from Kuching, I brought the boys for dinner to celebrate Alvin's birthday. He wanted pizza. |
He just love this long sofa bench. If he could talk already he would've asked me to buy it.
After dinner when we got home, I took out Alvin's birthday presents that were given by Ivy and Richard. I did a good job in keeping the secret because the presents came in a lot earlier from his birthdate. It was really hard not to tell him about it for that long because I was excited for him. I knew he will like it and he really did. Oo and there's a gift for little Xavier too but Daddy get to keep it for him until he is big enough to have it :).
You see those grins? The boys are so happy with their gifts. I'm just happy that their happy :).