Currently: Monday

On his first day of playschool ;)

Time:  3:00pm

Temperature: 22C (inside) 31C (outside)

Loving: nothing about the weather these few days.  Freakin' hot!

Thinking: of Alvin and Xavier who are both down with fever and flu during the weekend and today.  Both are resting at my in-laws' place today.

Listening: to 'Lady' by Stryper

Running: In this heat?  Heck No!!!

Enjoying:  some ice-cream during lunch time.  Heavenly!

Cutting: and printing tonight.

Planning: to catch up on Week 13 of my Project Life tonight.

Celebrating:  God's healing upon me from the high fever, flu and cough with a prayer of thanksgiving.  Praying and believing that He'd do the same for my two boys.

Clearing: my throat every 10 minutes today because I still have some phlegm from my bad cough last week.

Driving: to my in-law's later.  Will be having dinner there too.

Buying:  some fruits and bread later after work.

Trying: to drink lots and lots of water.  You can easily get dehydrated in this heat.

Appreciating:  the air conditioning so much during these super hot days.

Looking: at our AYC's band schedule for this month.  I already feel suffocated. *cringe*


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