Quote of the Day
A little note here. Sorry for the silence guys. I was very sick the past 3 weeks and still have the last phase (hopefully) of cough these few days. That was the worst for me ever in many many years. I was down with fever, flu, and bad coughing. And because I didn't eat well due to lack of appetite, I ended up having a bad gastric and had to get a jab for it. Darn it! They just came rolling one after another! Thanks be to God now I am getting better. Celebrating and appreciating life and so thankful to be well and healthy again. Praise the Lord!
The Quote of the Day obviously doesn't relate to my note here. It's something I am currently struggling with. Trying to decide what's the best option for me right now in terms of where my life is heading to in the next few months. I have decided that it's time to try and sway my way into another path. But my problem is fear; letting myself be overwhelmed by something that's not even there yet and let it scare the shit out of me! So this quote really gave me a good slap in the face. I deserve it! For a few years now, I have been having this strong instinct about a decision. That I should go and do it...as in NOW! Yet here I am still dragging myself everyday doing something that...well I wouldn't say it's something really that bad...one thing, it brings food to the table...but you know, my heart wasn't there. And it just creeps up in me to a point where I just couldn't let myself just talk about it everyday yet didn't do anything about it.
So, any advice for me? I really need some right now.