Free Vacation!
Yup..the title says it all. Alvin and I just came back from a free vacation last weekend. I got the free vacation trip from a lucky draw during our Annual Dinner last year. It was valid for 6 months so we chose last weekend coz yesterday (Monday) was a Public Holiday. So we went to KK for 3 days and 2 nights and we had a wonderful time shopping and sight-seeing. We also get to meet and catch up with our long time friend, Gloria and her family.

Left view from the Observation Point. From here, far off you could see Promenade Hotel, coming down to Center Point, Warisan Square, Le Meridien, and the nearest is Capitol Hotel.

Right view from the Observation Point. From here you could see Kinabalu College building, and the Suria Sabah shopping mall erecting at 60% to completion. So definitely, it's the target for our next visit. playground! Hehehe...

Our love nest...hehehe.

Personally, I didn't shop much for clothes or shoes but I went crazy buying wrapping papers and embellishments for cardmaking! Yes...for the first time in my life, I didn't shop for anything else but papers and flowers!! Hehehe. O who am I kidding anyway...actually I have alreday shopped till I almost dropped in Kuching last December so that was why I didn't have to shop so much this time. There you go...confession from a shopaholic! Hahaha!
Anyway, we went to 1 Borneo for the first time. It's KK's newly opened shopping mall and it is bigger than Mid Valley in KL!!! By the time we managed to finish combing only half of the mall, I could literally feel that the veins in my calves are tearing apart!! Yeeeooouuucchh!!
But it was worth the pain:). We're so thankful to Glo and her family for their kind and wonderful hospitality for bringing us around and to dinners. *Thanks again Glo, you guys were great and now we miss you..huhuhu...*
Well, we will definitely go back to KK someday soon coz there's lots of other places to go. Kundasang! Yes! I must go to Kundasang the next time around:).
Below are some pictures we took. Enjoy!

Left view from the Observation Point. From here, far off you could see Promenade Hotel, coming down to Center Point, Warisan Square, Le Meridien, and the nearest is Capitol Hotel.

Right view from the Observation Point. From here you could see Kinabalu College building, and the Suria Sabah shopping mall erecting at 60% to completion. So definitely, it's the target for our next visit. playground! Hehehe...

Enjoying the beautiful scenery...

With our friend, Gloria.

Happy to be here:)

View downstairs from our room...directly facing Warisan Square.

Facing the beautiful sea...

Our love nest...hehehe.

Palm Square..above Center Point.
Warisan Square.
My tired hubby, resting after a full day's shopping.
The floating restaurant where Glo brought us to for dinner Saturday night.
They have cultural dances in between meals, which they do every alternate days and weekends.
From another angle.
Glo's 2 boys. Dexter (in gray shirt), and Daniel (in stripes). They're very cute and witty.

Daniel insisted that we take picture next to the big lobsters:).

With Ongkol (Uncle) Alvin...haha!

Breakfast at the coffee house.

At the swimming pool:)

In the lift..hehe.

In front of Warisan Square, waiting for the shuttle bus to bring us to 1 Borneo:).

At Little Italy, having dinner with Glo. Delicious italian food...mamamia!

Monday morning after breakfast...
