Snaps snappy snaps of our CNY visits last Jan. We all had a blast crashing into our CNY celebrating colleagues' houses, eating, drinking gassy drinks, joking around, laughing at Jack and his ever so funny Mel-English (Melanau + English), despite the rain.

At June's house (first house).

Left to right: Marconi, June, and Philip.

Good friends:P

Standing: Nazmi & June

At Connie's house (2nd house)

At Mun's house (3rd house) before dinner is served. Hidu bau dulu for appetizer.

Yum..yum..yum.. *Thank you to Mun's mum for preparing the food especially for us*

Gather around...

Cheers for the camera!

At Scotty's house (last house).
Connie and I thought we'd only go to one house and then we'd go home, not in the mood to go visiting due to the we thought, coz we ended up going to all of the houses in one evening (eyes rolling). Ngegeh bah...ngegeh!
At June's house (first house).
Left to right: Marconi, June, and Philip.
Good friends:P
Standing: Nazmi & June
Seating: Scott & Jack
At Connie's house (2nd house)
At Mun's house (3rd house) before dinner is served. Hidu bau dulu for appetizer.
Yum..yum..yum.. *Thank you to Mun's mum for preparing the food especially for us*
Gather around...
Cheers for the camera!
At Scotty's house (last house).