10 years ago I would still be so excited rushing around preparing myself for my party, weekends before will be packed with shopping schedules looking for my party dress, shoes, accessories, and all that's equally important to me for my birthday bash. I was in KL then and choosing a party place was never a problem for me or my friends. Pilih je yang mana satu...party or karaoke? And supper thereafter was a must as well. Hmmm...those were the days fellas, when you're still young, with raging hormones!
You can call me 'old' now and it wouldn't affect me a single bit coz I'm fine with it..haha! In fact, I praise God for it and I celebrate it in a different way now...with prayers of thanksgiving; that I'm still alive and well till this day to enjoy the life that God has blessed me with and look forward to what He has in store for me in the days ahead.
Becoming a mother soon, family, and friends are my top priorities now among other things. I'm thankful for how life has treated me before in order to mold me into who I am today..that God has never left me even when I had neglected Him before.
Anyway, I had a great and blessed time during my birthday this year. My colleagues brought me for an advanced dinner at Tmn Selera. Connie had to go on leave that Wednesday, hence we had the dinner on Monday evening. Good and yummy food, nice breezy wind, wonderful friends and lots of laughter...what else could I ask for? None. It was a perfect evening. Then come the actual day, Wednesday. Tengok2 ada surprise birthday party lagi for me in the pantry that afternoon + some presents! Aiyooo! Too much for me la guys. I was already so happy with the dinner. But whatever it is, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And that's not all...ada lagik surprise...from my other friends. A chocolate prune cake! Waaah...! You all really made my day la. Thank you..thank you..and thank you. Not forgetting those who have sent their wonderful wishes through email, text and Facebook. God bless you all for remembering me and being so kind. I am so grateful for your love and friendship. Love you all...muah!:p
The beautiful sunset before dinner.
Muka2 lapar tunggu makanan...
Muka2 kekenyangan lepas makan...haha! Sayang gambar blurry.
The chocolate cheese cake. Yummy...:p! (14th October)
Muka terkezut! Siap bawak mug lagi! My colleague Rose said "come let's have tea break in the pantry" mar...that's why I bring mug lor...hehehe.
Acara meniop!
Acara memotong! Too happy until I forgot to put down my mug! Hahaha! And see the jagungs and the potatoes placed near my cake? Jack punya pasal la tu! He's the guy in the picture...our office joker..haha!
Want some? Sedaaap I tell you... Eh, where are the other colleagues? Camera shy la pulak...chet!
Kawans2 ketats in the office. Connie and Corrine weren't there...huhuhu!
My pressies. June, Rose, Mun, Scott, Connie, Corrine, and Jack...thank you so much!:p

My favourite Chocolate Prune Cake:p. Given to me by Evonne, Diana, Josephine, Magdalene, Victoria (the one who made the cake..promo sikit..hehe), Elsa, Bajeng, and Adam. Thank you all! Muahz!:p

My favourite Chocolate Prune Cake:p. Given to me by Evonne, Diana, Josephine, Magdalene, Victoria (the one who made the cake..promo sikit..hehe), Elsa, Bajeng, and Adam. Thank you all! Muahz!:p
Nazmi masuk gambar last minute. Thank you for the birthday cake Nazmi...hehehe!

In the end Corrine managed to join us. Member sebok with SAP...hehe. Connie je takde sebab sebok tengok dolphin in Singapore...chet! I 'bey song' (tak senang/jeles) la fren...haha!

In the end Corrine managed to join us. Member sebok with SAP...hehe. Connie je takde sebab sebok tengok dolphin in Singapore...chet! I 'bey song' (tak senang/jeles) la fren...haha!
Birthday cards Rose and June made for me. So cute and pretty:p Good job ladies...hehe.
Oo yea...I need to upload one more gambar..the card me cousin Evonne gave me, tertinggal lah pulak at home..cheh. I'll be back soon with the updates:)