Amy's + Francisca's + Angie's Birthday & Ivy's Farewell BBQ
My little sister is 26 this year and had just celebrated her birthday on the 29th last month. Well, we combined it with Ivy's Farewell, on the 12th of September...which is also my mum's birthday. We also combined it with Angeline's and Francisca's birthday...semua nya September babies..hehe. Aiyooo...I tell you...I koyak habis by the time we came back to Miri...feels like tinggal sehelai sepinggang je. But family must come first though. And because of this, I was so delayed in my birthday presents for my friends who celebrated their birthdays of them pun belum di kasi lagi...but she's overseas now so tunggu dia balik next week. Sorry kawan2 sekelian...hope you'd understand.
Anyways, I had a great time spent in Kuching with my family and all the 'kawan ketats'. Dinner, breakfast, BBQ, outings + good food + family + great friends...oo...I will never trade these for anything else...syok habis! Hehe... Oo ya, you guys have got to try the Ikan Bakar at Siang2 3rd Mile! Meleleh engkau...fuyooo! And the satays from one of the stalls there are equally superb! Promo sikit...hehe. Well, the only thing that spoiled the fun was when I went for a hair cut that last evening in Kuching...just couldn't stand the heat. I wanted to cut my hair short, bob style but the hairstylist wouldn't let me. He said I wouldn't look nice. What?! So what if I wanted to shave my head altogether,'s my hair what...! Anyway, after I insisted, he said "ok saya potong, tapi saya kasi layer dia you tidak panas". So I thought he was going to cut it short but he didn't! In the end, I looked like I was having a mullet! Aiyoo...I bising like what but he said "aiyaa...u come back again tomolow la we want to crose oledy". Eee...nasib baik I'm human...kalau aku vinatang memang dah aku siat2 kulit engkau Ah Beng! Geram! So much for the Professional Hairstylist on the name tag....taik kucing la! Dah lah that night I went out for dinner with Ivy, Macdorna and Dennis...after dinner bawak muka tebal lagi tu pegi Secret Recipe for dessert because Ivy wanted to belanja. Good thing there wasn't that many people there. The next day siap bawak balik Miri lagi rambut mullet tu because I didn't have time to go and 'repair' it that morning. ..breath in...breath out... Sabo je lah. When we reached Miri that evening, we went straight to Bintang Plaza and I got my hair fixed at Alan's salun. Dah lah pokai...(sigh)....only God knows.
Enough with the blabbering, below are some photos from the BBQ.

Lauk-pauk nye sedap2 beb...nyum...nyum!

The penjahats!

The hubby busy fanning away, and right is photo of 3 September ladies...

All smiley and I am at my happiest;p.

Birthday card I made for Amy. Angie's card photo is with her...tunggu dia kirim. Tak sempat make card for Francisca though...eeek.
Anyways, I had a great time spent in Kuching with my family and all the 'kawan ketats'. Dinner, breakfast, BBQ, outings + good food + family + great friends...oo...I will never trade these for anything else...syok habis! Hehe... Oo ya, you guys have got to try the Ikan Bakar at Siang2 3rd Mile! Meleleh engkau...fuyooo! And the satays from one of the stalls there are equally superb! Promo sikit...hehe. Well, the only thing that spoiled the fun was when I went for a hair cut that last evening in Kuching...just couldn't stand the heat. I wanted to cut my hair short, bob style but the hairstylist wouldn't let me. He said I wouldn't look nice. What?! So what if I wanted to shave my head altogether,'s my hair what...! Anyway, after I insisted, he said "ok saya potong, tapi saya kasi layer dia you tidak panas". So I thought he was going to cut it short but he didn't! In the end, I looked like I was having a mullet! Aiyoo...I bising like what but he said "aiyaa...u come back again tomolow la we want to crose oledy". Eee...nasib baik I'm human...kalau aku vinatang memang dah aku siat2 kulit engkau Ah Beng! Geram! So much for the Professional Hairstylist on the name tag....taik kucing la! Dah lah that night I went out for dinner with Ivy, Macdorna and Dennis...after dinner bawak muka tebal lagi tu pegi Secret Recipe for dessert because Ivy wanted to belanja. Good thing there wasn't that many people there. The next day siap bawak balik Miri lagi rambut mullet tu because I didn't have time to go and 'repair' it that morning. ..breath in...breath out... Sabo je lah. When we reached Miri that evening, we went straight to Bintang Plaza and I got my hair fixed at Alan's salun. Dah lah pokai...(sigh)....only God knows.
Enough with the blabbering, below are some photos from the BBQ.
Lauk-pauk nye sedap2 beb...nyum...nyum!
The penjahats!
The hubby busy fanning away, and right is photo of 3 September ladies...
All smiley and I am at my happiest;p.
Birthday card I made for Amy. Angie's card photo is with her...tunggu dia kirim. Tak sempat make card for Francisca though...eeek.