Currently: Monday

Playing with Aunty Evonne (at 2 years old)

Time:  11:20am

Temperature:  22C 

Loving:  My new method of communication with my two darls.  *grin*

Thinking:  of my sick grandma.  Hope she recovers soon.  And little Xavier who started coughing yesterday :(

Listening:  'Amazing' by George Michael.

Running: late on Project Life.  5 weeks!  Eeeeekkk!!!

Thanking : God for an enjoyable and great times with friends and family during Alvin's birthday dinner last Friday night :)

Wearing:  A mustard coloured dress today.

Planning: on making post-it notes covers ordered by my niece's classmate tonight.

Celebrating: with Alvin on his 2nd No-Smoking day.  Yeay!

Clearing: some spaces in my hp.

Driving: myself nuts looking at my list of to do things. :/

Getting: some groceries done later.  

Trying: to block the noise from the office toilet renovations.  Wearing earphones now.

Appreciating:  technology. 

Looking:  at Xavier's snack menu.  Today they're having Sweet Potatoes.


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