Band Practise for Jo

Josephine's getting married soon...exactly 2 more days to go. It was just like yesterday that we went jalan2 and lepak2 at Taman Awam during Merdeka Day with Audrey, Daniel, Malcom, and Jo. Putting me and Alvin aside, for the rest of them I bet there was not much stress back then about the future to think of, except to finish school or college, and looking for a decent job. They were all still in the "happy-go-lucky MODE"..hahaha! Maybe the boys would have a girlfriend or two...especially Daniel coz he's the cheekiest! But not the least not yet. Hahaha!

Now, Audrey (..names mentioned by alphabetical..hehe) has a steady, Daniel has always had a steady..haha, Malcom...? Well, I haven't asked him yet but I know for sure he's got a lot of peminat..hehehe..., and Jo is getting "promoted" to Mrs. soon. It's amazing how time flies so fast. Was it a fun ride for all of us? Let me just say that life is a rollercoaster just have to always buckle up and get ready for the adrenaline when it hits.

Enough of looking back. Some of the regular band group had their last band practise on the 8th of April for Jo's wedding. I came as penyebok and tukang gambar tak di undang...kihkihkih! Hey, exxcccuuuusssssee me...I was there to support the band okay...also to support my husband who plays the bongo (woohooo! you go Honey!). The songs were beautiful, I helped suggest some parts for the harmony to come in (at least ada contribute something for the wedding since cannot participate with the band..) for the song Thank You Lord. The rest Audrey can kautim; she and the ladies did a great job;p.

So after the practise, we all agreed to meet up for coffee at Sun City...including the wedding-couple-to-be. And to our surprise, Joseph Willitz appeared with them! He looks different with the beard. "I'm one of those Osama Bin Laden people lah!" was one of the first few words that came out of him. He is still the same old Joseph that we got to know 4 years ago, except for the beard and the rather bloated belly! Anyway, he shared with us about his trips to India, Iran, Lebanon and some other countries that we'd never add to our List of Places To Go. But that's Joseph, very adventurous and very independent. It's good to have you back Joseph...we're all glad you came. Luv ya dude!

Audrey just flew in from Kuching that afternoon. Datang terus practise...caya lah lu Odwee...hehehe.

Mag background singer 1, Bajeng on guitar, Alvin aka Laki Aku on bongo. Peeewiiiiiitt!

Siradick on bass, Evonne background singer 2, Audrey lead singer, Diana organist/pianist.

A very beautiful and meaningful song. I fell in love with it............

Small reunion at Sun City! Everyone looked tired but happy. Hehehe.....


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