Finally got here...

About a year ago, I didn't think this would be possible.  For a lot of reasons, with mountains of self doubt, and skyscrapping anxieties, I didn't really want to take it in seriously.  Although, without really realizing it, I've planted the dream in my heart and whispered about it once or twice..probably my prayers to God.

A few months passed by and it came to a point where I just got tired of talking about it with Evonne, but did nothing about it.  So one day I asked her if she would dare to join me to try and set our foot in this venture.  And after a lot of researches, brainstorming, discussions, and preparations...added by some of life's most trying moments, we finally made it through.

July 1st is the day in history for Evonne and me.  It is the birth of our Online Store.  You have no idea how important it is to me and how anxious I was before it went online.  To most, it may be just a small tiny weeny thing but to me it is really a big deal.  It's on par with having reached the peak of Mt. Kinabalu if I must say!  So you know how much adrenaline rush I am talking about here?  Ha!

So here's introducing to you our Online Store:  It's a place where you can find all handmade cards, bookmarks, and notebooks.  We will be adding in some other stuff soon too :).  Give us a visit and check us out will ya ;).

And here's one of the cards I made over the weekend, along with an altered frame as a gift.  They were for a cousin who celebrated her birthday yesterday.  Happy Birthday again Karen Emma James.  You are one of a kind!



And here's an ordered card I made for a Baby Boy :)


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