Currently: Monday

Time:  4:30pm

Temperature:  About 18C in the office.  Brrr!

Loving: The weather.  It's been raining since lunch time.

Thinking: Of when to start making CNY's and Valentine's cardies.

Listening:  To  'Emma' by Mindy Gledhill.

Running: Nose...a little.  I started sneezing about half an hour ago.  Darn.

Enjoying:  My hot cup of coffee  *bliss*

Cutting:  Down on coffee perhaps?  NOT!  *guilty grin*

Planning: On finishing my Week 2 of Project Life 2013 and my card for the Card Challenges tonight.

Celebrating:  Another year for LLC soon.  Wow!  Never expected it would get this far.

Clearing: My In-Trays bit by bit.  Urgh!

Driving:  Not driving today.  Alvin needed the car to go for his meetings.

Buying: Nothing so far.

Trying: Not to get annoyed at a colleague today.

Appreciating:  The presence of my two girls whenever I need them.  Thank you know who you are  *wink* 

Looking:  Out the's still raining ;).


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