
Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours and TAG 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to each answer of the following questions. They have to be real, nothing made up!If the person before you had the same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot copy any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have fun!

1. What is your name: Surely you'd already know
2. A four letter word: Stew (I'm kinda hungry...)
3. A boy’s name?: Sean (teringat anak Sebastian, my ex-colleague at Schlumberger dulu)

4. A girl’s name?: Suzy (teringat bini Sebastian, my ex-colleague at Schlumberger dulu)
5. An occupation: Striptease, showgirl, sex-addict (eh that one is for Vic..haha!), silent killer, secretary, stalker, seducer, eh...pilih satu only aa? Aiyak! Which one to choose aa?
6. A color: Sultry color (nak mengelak lah tuh...dah takde jawapan!)
7. Something you wear: Sansut (in Sabahan dialect it means underwear)

8. A food: Scabghetti (that''s how my niece, Sheryll, would pronounce it..teehe!)
9. Something found in the bathroom: Sabun Cap Burung Kakak Tua!
10. A place: Saratok (tempat mengadap grandparents)
11. A reason for being late: Sengaja
12. Something you shout: Sambek!!
13. A movie title: Seven
14. Something you drink: Spiked drinks only! (fuyoo! terror lah konon!)
15. A musical group: Sweet Charity
16. A street name: Sri Maharajaratnam!
17. A type of car: Swift babeh!!
18. A song title: Self Inflicted - Katy Perry (bunyi macam saddist je...)
19. A verb: Stoop (curik dari Thesaurus...kihkihkih!)
20: A person's character: Sot!!!


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