New Look

Do you like my blog's new look :)? I spent about almost a week setting it up in between doing my work at the office..hehe. I bought this design last month and couldn't understand the instructions at first, but after looking, reading and staring at it for a while, I managed to understand it. Minah ni lagging sket kalo pasal IT nih...RAM 'pc' very low, so info pun tak banyak masuk...

As you can obviously see, my Header is out of it's alignment so there's some more tweaking to be done, but for now I'll just rest for a while and be happy with my new blog design. Hitler hats off to Zoe Pearn for this brilliant invention!!!

Ooo by the way, Evonne and I will be having our very first 'gig' this Saturday! Praise the Lord! We were invited by Rev. Alfred to do a 20 minutes workshop for the Sunday School Teachers' Training. I will be doing the talking (Evonne mengaku dia lembap bab-bab hosting nih) and Evonne will be doing the demonstration (selalu join orang but demonstrasi mogok kat depan KLCC! kahkahkah!). We'll be teaching them on how to make a simple handmade card using ribbons, rick-racks, buttons, wrapping papers, etc. We're so excited about it. In fact, we did talk about having start a small crafting session at church a while ago. God must have been eaves-dropping quite a bit...hehehehe!

So catch us at our very own 'Craft Show' this Saturday, 2pm, at the Parish Hall. Be prepared to have loads of fun and getting addicted to card-making :)! God bless!


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