Project 365 - Week 4

I was so tired last weekend (Wed through Fri) that I just couldn't get this post done.  Work was really sucking out all of my energy.  Let alone all the difficult people that had to be dealt with.  Urgh!  Okay..let's leave it at that.   

But the good thing was, we had a long weekend.  Yeay!  Monday was a Public Holiday here in lieu for the Prophet Mohammad's Birthday which happened last Sunday.  Meaning I got to craft more.  Oo yes I did!  I made 2 scrapbooks (which I will post soon), started on my Countdown to V-Day project (*wink*), and my 12 Month About-Me scrapbook (also will be posted soon).  (*happy dance*)

Anyways, here's my P 365 - Week 4.

We only went to one house this year for CNY visiting - Elsa & Moi's house.  Didn't intend to really go for visiting this year but going to Elsa & Moi's wasn't a bad idea either.

Xavier got to play at the McD's playground at Permy Jaya again when we went there on Jan 24th night.  This is his 2nd time and he loves it.  We were glad there were not many kids around...he only got to share it with a couple of kids.  They were very happy kids :).

A fun time with Evonne over the weekend starting off with cards for V-Day.  It was rather a short session but we enjoyed every minute of it.  We were making Easel Cards.

We went to Hypermarket in Boulevard for some grocery shopping.  And Xavier loves the new trolley.  We love it too because it's light (it's made of pvc material), and smaller.

I made a scrapbook with a picture of Alvin and Giles (his friend) following one of Creative Scrappers' sketches.

So that's Week 4.  I will come back again tomorrow with Week 5.  And oo...with some scrapbooks pictures too.

I'll catch you tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by :)


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